colorFabb Catalogue 2024

Product Catalogue

AllPHA is 100% biobased and 100% biodegradable in any biotope, without leaving microplastics.

What sets allPHA apart? Microorganisms can break it down entirely, feeding on it again at the end of the product's lifecycle, making it ideal for sustainable applications. The ultimate bioplastic The allPHA 3D printing filaments are the ultimate bioplastic for eco-friendly production, built to break down without leaving a trace. The decomposition rate varies based on the part’s thickness and environmental factors like heat, moisture, and microbial presence, setting it apart from PLA, which only biodegrades under specific industrial conditions.

allPHA filaments are ideal for projects that prioritize sustainability allPHA filaments are offering multiple end-of-life options and a unique "fade into-nature" property that ensures it returns to the earth without harmful residues. Supplied on a recycled cardboard spool, it minimizes single-use plastic waste, embodying a truly circular, eco-friendly material solution.


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